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Your syllabus for in Board  in

1st Language Telugu

2 Videos • 52 Goals • 41 Tests


22 Videos • 52 Goals • 41 Tests


25 Videos • 52 Goals • 41 Tests

Andhra Pradesh Class 8 Syllabus


  1. Rational Numbers
  2. Linear Equations in One Variable
  3. Construction of Quadrilaterals
  4. Exponents and Powers
  5. Comparing Quantities using proportion
  1. Square Roots and Cube Roots
  2. Frequency Distribution Tables and Graphs
  3. Exploring Geometrical Figures
  4. Area of Plane Figures
  5. Direct and Inverse Proportions
  1. Algebraic Expressions
  2. Factorisation
  3. Visualizing 3-D in 2-D
  4. Surface Areas and Volumes(cube-cuboid)
  5. Playing with Numbers



  1. Force
  2. Friction
  3. Synthetic fibres and plastics
  4. Metals and non-metals
  5. Coal and Petroleum
  1. Combustion, fuels and Flame
  2. Electric conductivity of liquids
  3. Some natural phenomena
  4. Stars and solar system


  1. What is Science?
  2. Cell – The Basic Unit Of Life
  3. Story Of Micro-organisms
  4. Reproduction In Animals
  5. Reaching The Age Of Adolescence
  1. Different Ecosystems
  2. Food Production In Plants: Methods Of Management
  3. Food Production In Animals
  4. Not For Drink Not For Breath
  5. Why Do We Fall ill

Social Science

Theme - I: Diversity on the Earth

  1. Reading and Analysis of Maps
  2. Energy from the Sun
  3. Earth Movements and Seasons
  4. The Polar Regions
  5. Forests:Using and Protecting them
  6. Minerals and Mining

Theme - II: Production, Exchange and Livelihoods

  1. Money and Banking
  2. Impact of Technology on Livelihoods
  3. Public Health and the Government

Theme -III: Political Systems and Governance

  1. Landlords and Tenants under the British and the Nizam
  2. A National Movement - The Early Phase 1885-1919
  3. B National Movement - The Last Phase 1919-1947
  1. Freedom Movement in Hyderabad State
  2. The Indian Constitution
  3. Parliament and Central Government
  4. Law and Justice - A Case Study

Theme - IV: Social Organisation and Inequities

  1. Abolition of Zamindari System
  2. Understanding Poverty
  3. Rights Approach to Development

Theme - V: Religion and Society

  1. Social and Religious Reform Movements
  2. Understanding Secularism

Theme -VI: Culture and Communication

  1. Performing Arts and Artistes in Modern Times
  2. Film and Print Media
  3. Sports: Nationalism and Commerce
  4. Disaster Management

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