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13 Videos • 52 Goals • 41 Tests


16 Videos • 52 Goals • 41 Tests

CBSE Class 9 Syllabus


  1. Number Systems
  2. Introduction To Euclid's Geometry
  3. Lines And Angles
  4. Polynomials
  5. Triangles
  1. Construtions
  2. Quadrilaterals
  3. Heron's Formula
  4. Co Ordinate Geometry
  5. Linear Equations In Two Variables
  1. Areas Of Parallelograms And Triangles
  2. Circles
  3. Surface Areas And Volumes
  4. Statistics
  5. Probability


  1. Matter in our Surroundings
  2. Is Matter Around Us Pure
  3. Atoms and Molecules
  4. Structure of the Atom
  5. The Fundamental Unit of Life
  1. Tissues
  2. Diversity in Living Organisms
  3. Motion
  4. Force and Laws of Motion
  5. Gravitation
  1. Work and Energy
  2. Sound
  3. Why do we fall ill
  4. Natural resources
  5. Improvement in food resources

Social Science

  1. Christianity And Islam
  2. Medieval India And Political Transition
  3. Religious Promoters And Social Reformers
  4. Vijayanagara And Bahamani Kingdoms
  5. The Moghuls And The Marathas
  1. Bhakti Panth
  2. Europe In The Middle Ages
  3. Modern Europe
  4. Revolution And Unification Of Nations

Political Science

  1. Our Constitution
  2. The Union Government
  3. State Government
  4. Judicial System
  5. Indian Election System
  6. Defence Of The Nation
  7. National Integration


  1. Family
  2. Socialization
  3. Social Change
  4. Community

Business Studies

  1. Management Of Business
  2. Financial Management
  3. Accounting In Business


  1. Natural Resources
  2. Human Resources Of India
  3. Poverty And Hunger
  4. Labour And Employment


  1. Our State - Karnataka
  2. Physiographic Divisions Of Karnataka
  3. Climate, Soil, Natural Vegetation And Animals Of Karnataka
  4. Water Resources Of Karnataka
  5. Land Resources Of Karnataka
  6. Mineral Resources
  7. Transport
  8. Industries Of Karnataka
  9. Major Tourist Centers Of Karnataka
  10. Population Of Karnataka

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