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Your syllabus for in Board  in

ಪರಿಸರ ಅಧ್ಯಯನ

25 Videos • 52 Goals • 41 Tests


12 Videos • 52 Goals • 41 Tests

Environmental Studies

25 Videos • 52 Goals • 41 Tests


12 Videos • 52 Goals • 41 Tests

Karnataka Class 3 Syllabus


  1. Shapes
  2. Numbers
  3. Addition
  4. Subtraction
  1. Multiplication
  2. Division
  3. Mental Arithmetic
  4. Fractional Numbers
  1. Money
  2. Measurement
  3. Data Handling
  4. Patterns

Environmental Studies

  1. A day in the garden
  2. Green wealth
  3. Judgement of the owl
  4. The story of a drop of water
  5. The family of water
  6. Variety of food
  7. Our kitchen
  8. Let us build a house
  9. Pretty house
  1. Our sense organs
  2. Importance of teeth
  3. Danger - Accident
  4. Facilities for our use
  5. Modes of transport
  6. Communicating through letters
  7. Deepas Generation
  8. My hobby
  9. These people are also like us
  1. Festivals and Fairs
  2. A day in my life
  3. The game - Hide and Seek
  4. Story of a pot
  5. The Earth - Our Home
  6. Map
  7. My district-Your district

Learning Videos

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